By now the idle was much better and there were no nasty pops/crackles at idle - success. I'm also confident that this will have resolved the emissions MoT failure as the adjustments have effectively reduced the air and increased the fuel which is what I needed to do.
Under the dash I fitted the inner panels, drilling out and replacing one of the side panel rivet and then one more at the front edge.
Then drilled 4 holes in the nose to fit the grill
The final task of the build was to fix the lambda sensor cable with a p-clip. Again I drilled out an existing rivet and refitted it with the clip.
Build now finished and I'm ready for the IVA on the 10 Oct 12. I'll take the car down to Quedam Tyres next Saturday to confirm that the emissions are okay and reset the head lights and Brendan has offered to come over and to a trial load to the trailer so there will be no problems on IVA day.
2 hours for me and 1/2 hr each for James & Myles - total build & rectification time to date 232 hrs.